
This site about The Yahyel has been put together to alert as many people as possible to 'the possibility' of a first contact situation as described by mediums, channellers and suggested evidence.

Please note that the future is fluid, there are an infinite number of alternate realities you can choose to go down and every possibility that it will happen/won't happen/might happen differently/might happen later. As it happens this is how the extraterrestrials read the collective energy of the Earth at this time.

Obviously if somethings sparks us into going to world war III they'll put off first contact for another 50 years.

This site has been created by the Interstellar Cultural Exchange Support Service and is here to merely lift your awareness to make the transition easier. So that, if first contact does occur, you'll be able to say "Cool. I read that on a website. More tea?' instead of 'Aaaah. oh my God oh my God oh my God'

Hope to see you at the beginning of the age of homo galacticus.

Order the book online via Amazon here: 
Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel 

Below. Sketches of what The Yahyel may look like,
extrapolated from verbal descriptions by Bashar and drawn by the administrator of this website.


Baby Yahyel

Tags: child, kid, tot, babies, children, kids, teen, teens, kiddies


Young Female Yahyel

Tags: Woman, girl, lady, women, girls, ladies.


Young Male Yahyel

Tags: Man, boy, gentleman, men, boys, gentlemen


Female Yahyel

Tags: Woman, girl, lady, women, girls, ladies

Other links of interest:
Interstellar Cultural Exchange Support Service
Akashic Fields
Big Bang Theories
Alien Characters Children's ebooks

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Article: Extraterrestrial ships appearing in 2012