Extraterrestrial Ships to be Revealed in 2012. (Written 2010, updated 2013)

So, what was supposed to happen in 2012?

* Scientists predicted an increase in solar activity, a disruption to the magnetic field and an increase in weather leading to disasters at the end of 2012.

* Archaeologists and pseudo-archaeologists who have researched Atlantis and the Mayan Civilisation and calendar predicted, if not the end of the world, then a massive pole shift that devastates much of the land and seas.

* Spiritualists and metaphysicists predicted a massive transformation in both our control of reality and our awareness of the universe.

This article looked at a much more attractive and compelling future awaiting us. 

Hi. I'm Manus and I've been researching extraterrestrials and celestials for over 30 years. "How is this possible when SETI hasn't found any aliens?" I hear you ask. Actually, aliens have been visiting Earth for millennia - you just need to see the signs. Since the 70s a number of different races, both corporeal and incorporeal, have been communicating with humans. There are also hundreds of thousands of 'contact' stories that long ago proved, without the shadow of a doubt, that aliens are among us. So, putting all that aside, I've been able to gather enough evidence to prove that something big was planned to happen at the end of 2012.

The last piece of the puzzle finally fell into place [in 2010] when I decided to investigate 'channelled' entities. A person can go into a meditative state and connect to an entity who is thinking at the same frequency or vibrational level. It's an area of psychic ability that has been in disrepute for over 100 years due to charlatan mediums so, of course, it was the last place I looked.

In 2010 a retired airforce pilot contacted a medium/channeller to find out more about all the lights in the sky around the world. He wanted to tell people when the next appearance would be. The psychic gave him the predicted dates and locations and, as predicted, ufos were seen at those locations on those dates.

A prediction is pretty convincing proof of 'something' but is it alien contact or just our higher mind predicting the future? 

Then I discovered that Abraham, as in Abraham-Hicks the law of attraction, was a celestial and then others started appearing in my research - Ashtar Command, The Pleidian Collective, Seth, Bashar and more. 

All predicting things in the past that appeared in the present. 

Bashar predicted in 1997 an attack on New York early in the 21st century. He also predicted the earthquake and disasters in Japan. 

Please note that the future from our point of view is changeable so Bashar has always given the caveat that as we now know about it we can change it. (The strike on New York was originally predicted to be nuclear but it's believed that the prediction from Bashar and mediums used within governments saw an increase in nuclear related investigations around that time, thereby making it harder for a nuclear bomb to be involved. )

As far as I'm concerned, accurate predictions are worth investigating, so I had listened through thousands of hours of material from channels and had discovered what was to happen 21st/22nd of December 2012. Not as exciting as other predictions but exciting nonetheless.

The Alliance of Worlds / Interstellar Alliance / The Federation / Collective Galactic Consciousness / Galactic Federation / The Collective / and other descriptions of the various extraterrestrial alliances or association of worlds out there, that have been watching Earth for aeons, had read the energy of Earth and decided that real contact was due. Until this point there had been an alien-imposed quarantine around the Earth. That quarantine ended on the 21st December 2012. The collective consciousness of Earth had risen sufficiently as to accept a new first contact situation and move forward into the age of homo galacticus.

So quarantine has been lifted, but many still don't believe aliens exist. We need to get to the point where the entire world knows aliens exist before we can take the next step of Official First Contact. According to Bashar we will soon know, the whole world will soon know, with absolute certainty, that aliens exist. Someone asked "How would we know?" Bashar stated: "You will know. You won't miss it"

Bashar didn't want to spoil the surprise for everyone, so I have researched further and found a statement by Adronis, an entity from Sirius, in 2008. "The Van Allen Belt will disappear and everyone on your planet will be able to see thousands of ships surrounding your world". 

The Van Allen Belt is currently being researched by NASA and at one point a 3rd belt appeared, then disappeared. The other two belts fluctuate and operate like particle accelerators but also sometimes increase and reduce in size and scientists have not only not been able to find out why, they only have limited understanding of what is causing it. Bashar once said that the Van Allen Belt is a reflection of the collective consciousness and higher mind of the planet and it will fluctuate depending on our current state. I assume that means that as we all raise our vibrational level and becoming happier, the Van Allen Belts will get smaller and smaller until they completely disappear, making it easier for humans to leave the planet, and for extraterrestrials and aliens to land.

Not sure how long the 'disappearing' will take but as we raise our vibrational level more of us will simply be able to see all the ufos around us that have been there all the time. There was even two cases recently where planes have collided with ufos. The frequency of the planet had increased sufficiently that it was now more likely we'll be at the same frequency as something else and collide with it, rather than being at different frequencies and passing through each other.

When more and more of us start seeing the ships we'll still need to wait until the governments of the world get together to decide on a unified greeting. This is likely round 2015. Then government and alliance discussions for another 5-10 years then our first official world televised live First Contact situation with landings, and extraterrestrials officially living with us and us with them not long after. The first alien race to officially contact us will be The Yahyel.

So, I hope that informs you somewhat. If the ships appear you have no reason to panic. As all our thoughts are clear to all alien races (through absolutely anything as our body is inside our soul, not the other way around) if you're not interested in being involved, the only thing I'd suggest you do when they appear is think a big, happy, 'hi and welcome' and then go about continuing to follow your excitement and joy.

As for me, I'll sit back, have a coffee or a glass of wine, and wait for people to connect with me, and others with understanding and experience in these matters, to help out with greeting arrangements!

Thanks for reading

- Manus

Other links of interest:
Bashar | Akashic Fields | Alien Characters Children's ebooks